The Path of Old


The path...cries out to him...
The path of old...

He knows not...what it means...
The path of old...

The  path....will not wait...
He faces it....rails...roils...boils...

The path of old
Will not be ignored...

It demands....of him....
The path of old...

All that is in him....and more
The dance of the  path of old...

The  spirals of Tor....
Beckon in the pre dawn light...

Lightening flashing...bolts...
Water....hail..hitting everywhere..
As...this is but a reflection..of what he this time...

The path of Old
Will not be gainsaid...

The oaths of Old..
Binds like whips about him..
Like the bolts of lightning....

Will he walk the path of old..
If he has the shall make him.....or break him...
In days of old...
From the sheer demand...
The intensity of light...Demands...Pulls from the souls...
Of those who walk the

Path of Old
Spires of Tor...
Like beaten and brilliant Silver...
In this morning's dawn....
Red as some parts of the sky....
White and pure in others.. others...
Blue, Purple, Heather, Honey, Oak Binds you...Binds me no more.

I have walked the Path of Old...
Many times...Hence shall you...

Colors swirl...
Like mist in the newborn dewy day...
What color shall reign supreme...
I say they shall reign in harmony.

The oak....stands witness...
The heather....waits if stillness...
The ash....waiting for the destiny...

Of the path of Old...
To be fulfilled.....Once Again...

His eyes...are now determination...
The wildness...a bit tamer...

The path of Old....
Comes to those...the Chosen...

Not a nursery rhyme...
But tasks for the folk of old...
For the folk of now...
For the folk of the future...

Dance the dance that never ends...
On the Path of Old.

Erin Samantha Bishop

