The Season to Rejoice


Is this not the season for struggling to keep up with the Jones’?
Not if keeping up establishes debt.
Is this not the season to delight in the company of friends?
Not if friends do not facilitate with a special invite.
Is this not the period of time when joyous occasions you partake?
Not if you are being deprived of a kind gesture.
Is this not the time of year to impress others with gifts?
Not if most of them have departed this world.
Is this not the season to lend a helping hand to the homeless…
meager…impoverished and forlorn?
Is this not the season to praise God’s name and rejoice his birth?
The answer to the aforementioned is apparent
We need loved ones near-at-hand to share any grief and illness…
We need to help the less fortunate…
We need to share with others what little we can bestow,
We need to dig deep into our hearts at our fortunateness.
We need to assume our fate…
We need to affirm our grievances…
We need to bear in mind others…
Not only at this time of year.
We need to venerate YOU on YOUR special Day!
We need to have faith in YOU!

© Maureen B. Black

